Wednesday, 8 February 2012

My raison d'etre

Ok so what is it that makes a moderately unfit, averagely overweight, reluctant 50 year old decide to surrender her comfort and drag her sorry ass around the rigours of the Great North Run?
Answer - in a nutshell ... LOVE.
There is a man you see and throughout history women have done all kinds of stupid unbelievable things in the name of love.
I now hereby add my name to that list of women who let love of another bypass their sense and reason.
Some time ago (alcoholically imbibed) in an attempt to chivvy an 18year old into action I boldly stated
"Johnny why don't you do the GNR? If you do it I will too we could run for the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign"  Johnny just laughed but those words came back to haunt me.
So very short version why I now find myself up at 7am each Saturday am to jog up the routes I'd normally catch a bus along.
All for my Cefin the love of my life the kindest, most gentle and giving person I have ever met but who was diagnosed 6 years ago with Becker Muscular Dystrophy, a cruel debilitating disease that as yet has neither cure nor treatment.

So I will get up at 7am, run out on the cold dark nights, get wet in the rain, pound the streets on legs that are aching all the while breathing through lungs that are fit to burst to raise funds for the MDC, not so much to prove anything to anyone but to to simply say Cefin I love you.

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